All our lives we search for someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance the song of heartbreak and hope all the while,wondering if somewhere,somehow there is someone searching for us.
Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.
you miao: Miao, back to china gal
*DROOL* wonder wat great food Faiz's dad going to cook... muahaha...
oh ya, due to shattered galaxy, Nicholas's laptop finally got shattered too... muahaha... due to cell group, he wont be coming too... and Geraldine.... due to cat forbia, had turn sick too... therefore... conclusion, their green packets will be mine!!!!! hahahahahahahaha....!!!!!!!!!
Thanks geraldine and nicholas... you guys are so considerate... thanks!!! HEE.